Monday, 16 December 2013


In all teen movies there are stereotypical characters that a majority of movies have, these movies tend to have these characters because audience members can usually relate to some of these characters, the main stereotypical characters tend to be the jock, the cheerleader, the outcast, the geek and the bully.

The Jock - The Jock is typically the one that is known as the one that is loved by everyone, everyone knows this persons name and all the guys want to be him and all the girls want to be with him, the jock is usually on the sports team or at all the parties. Typically the jock tends to have something wrong with him, it is eaither that he is uncomfterble being the most popular and doesnt want to do what his best known for doing but instead do something completely diffrent or the jock sometimes is the charicter that is crazy for attention and then becomes hated by everybody by the end.

The Cheerleader - The Cheerleader tends to be the bueatiful girl that every guy wants to be with and evey girl wants to look like or be friends with. The Cheerleader tends to be at all the main events of the movie. The cheerleader is usually known for being the charicter that has everything but doesnt want it all and wants to do something they love instead or the cheerleader can also be the charicter that always wants to be on top and loved by all and gets thretened when compition arrives.

The Outcast - The Outcast tends to be the charicter that no one talks to at the begining and most people find creepy and the person that keeps to themselves. Steriotypically in teen movies the outcast becomes the person that the most popular person in school falls in love with or the outcast is usally the one that knows everything about everyone and through out the movie charicters need to come to the outcasst to get information.

The Geek - The Geek is usally the one that gets bullyed and wears glasses and cloths that are not the tyoical teenagers clothing, they tend to be awkward and stay to themselves as well as never going out of there homes or never going to parties, they are also in groups of there own that consist of more geeks and these charicters tend to hide away in a place togther and do homework or play video games. The geek in most movies typically is eaither the charicter that the main charicter ends up becoming best friends with or the charicter that the main charicter ends up falling in love with, the geeks are also the ones that charicters go to for help or advice on things.

The Bully - The Bullys tend to be the one that everyone is scared of the bullys tend to also have some sort of problems at home or some sort of personal problems hence them being bullys. The steriotypical thing that happens with bullys in movies is that someone stands up to them and then they stop bullying people or someone realises that something is wrong with there person lives and then the bully becomes a better nicer person to everyone and becomes one of the helpful people.

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