Thursday, 19 December 2013

Genre and Conventions

A teen film is the genre of film targeted at teenage audience with plot lines based on stereotypical teenage interests, these interests stereo typically are to do with either sports, drugs and alcohol, partying and always going out with your friends.,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNFq7d6FjzTF7oGxh43tC2KFZsVJIA&ust=1390492347965509

Teen films are made for teenagers and are movies that most teenagers can in some ways relate to, the typical teen movie has many different types of characters: the jock, the popular girls, the athletes, the geeks ect.. this is because the movie should be relocatable to a wide range of audiences and having many different types of characters result in having a higher chance of audience connection to the movie. Adults also watch teen movies, this maybe for the adults to find a way to re connect to there teenage years and feel young again.,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNFWIeSK2kAka2nWorCW84h_GgcSTA&ust=1390492422692784

Teen movies have many different themes to them, some of these themes include romance, horror, drama comedy and musicals. The typical conventions of these themes are for the main character to overcome the obstetrical they face, an example of this would be the geek who is good at sports but not apart of the sports club becomes the main person at the sports club, the typical convention of a teen movie usually has some sort of reward at the end for the good people.,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNHPWQKAqvHDmN91uMzcpqMIf4F1LQ&ust=1390492473548280

The majority of teen movies have the stereotypical character list, this character list consists of the Jock/Cheerleader, the Nerd, the Outcast, the Reble, the Emo, the New person, the Class Clown, ect...

Teen movies all have typical conventional places that they are set in, these places usually tend to be the bedroom, the class room, the living room of someones house, the park, the cafe or a sports place like a football pitch or a dance rehearsal hall.,d.ZG4&psig=AFQjCNEEAvripUVY3jLGES_Rbh5zHM55Mg&ust=1390492685871068

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